Patricia Lee “Patti” Smith [ 1946], a madrinha do Punk, lançou-se com o album Horses (1975). Em 2009 ainda acredita nas palavras desta sua canção – People have the power (1988) – como diz numa entrevista – versão curta e versão longa.
Os versos andam por aqui com uma tradução brasileira, e transcrevo o refrão e a última estrofe.
The people have the power
The people have the power
The people have the power
The people have the power
The power to dream / to rule
To wrestle the world from fools
It’s decreed the people rule
It’s decreed the people rule
I believe everything we dream
Can come to pass through our union
We can turn the world around
We can turn the earth’s revolution
We have the power
People have the power …